
From time to time, I may get free products that are featured on my blog. I always make sure to indicate this in some form or another- This post was sponsored by …, I was given a pair of … In no way do I ever, or will I ever, promote a product I do not believe in. I am 100% truthful in my reviews and stand behind my word!

I am, by no means, in expert in camping, survival, or outdoor fitness. I am simply an enthusiast who believes that experience is the best way to learn. I do not encourage anyone start a physical activity without consulting their physician.

If you would like to contribute to Girly Camping, here is what captures my eye….

-Personal stories of an outdoor adventure

-Inspiring and beautiful locations

-Gear you absolutely love or gear you’d like me to review

If you would like to contribute, please send me: title, one paragraph, and a photo that sums it up to girlycamping@Hotmail.com.

Tell me what you think!